Nokia Asha 225 Earpiece Problem Speaker Ways Succseefully Mobile Phono 2016
Nokia 225 Ear Speaker Ways Problem Earpiece Jumper Solution
the Nokia Asha 225 solution for not working ear speaker problem. This
solution will help to locate which components need to check if there is
no sound can be heard on the device ear speaker during a call
Fixing earpiece is quite a little bit easier, some
problems may only cause by a faulty or burn speaker due to over
loudness, oxidation build up cause by wet or water damaged, accidentally
dropped and etc.
Nokia Asha 225 Earpiece Problem Speaker Ways
may then first clean the board where the earpiece speaker components is
mounted. Then check the earpiece speaker or just try to replace it.
Check the connection line paths. And lastly check or replace the
components connected or holds the earpiece speaker circuit.
or fault repairs caused by the existing solutions on this blog is not
liable, we just want a little help you in improving your
mobile phone.
Nokia Asha 225 Ear Speaker Ways.Earpieace Solution,
Speaker Not Working Problem, Ear Speaker Jumper, Earpiece Solution, How
To Repair Ear Speaker Way
my mobile phone nokia 225 earpiece area resistance removed plzz tell how to repair this problem